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Section 1. Organization Name

  1. The name of this organization shall be Cambodian Student Association of Minnesota and may also be referred to as CSAM.


Section 2. Organization Location

  1. The Cambodian Student Association of Minnesota was founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.




Section 1. Local Affiliation

  1. The University of Minnesota – Twin Cities recognizes the Cambodian Student Association of Minnesota as a student group and is affiliated with the University.

  2. The Cambodian Student Association of Minnesota will abide by all provisions of the Asian-American Student Union (ASU).

  3. The Cambodian Student Association of Minnesota shall have an active role in the Asian-American Student Union (ASU).

  4. CSAM shall follow the rules and policies of the University of Minnesota pertaining to various student organizations, as well as local, state, and federal laws and regulations.




Section 1. Purpose

  1. The purpose of the Cambodian Student Association of Minnesota is to provide for and support students through education and awareness of the Khmer culture and community.

  2. To provide the University students with education and awareness of the Khmer culture, as well as add to the diversity.

  3. To provide a forum for speakers to make presentations of timely interest to members on the aspects of the Khmer culture at the university.

  4. To act as a support group for Cambodians and all interested students, in the following areas: social, academics, and cultural and provide a place that will welcome new students for guidance etc.

  5. To provide social activities and events for University students and all audiences centered on Cambodia and its culture.




  1. Membership is open to all non-students and students at the University of Minnesota who show interest in and have the willingness to learn about the Cambodian Culture.

  2. This is without regard to race, religion, color, sex, nation of origin, disability, age, veteran status, creed, marital status, public assistance status, and/or sexual orientation.

  3. To become a member, one must fill out the membership application form and return it to the secretary of the organization.



Section 1. Executive Board

  1. The Executive Board shall manage the Cambodian Student Association of Minnesota.  These positions are a year-long commitment; it shall always consist of the following:

    1. President

    2. Internal Vice President

    3. External Vice President

    4. Secretary

    5. Treasurer


Section 2. Board Officers

  1. The following board positions are a year-long commitment:

    1. Multimedia Chair

    2. Marketing Chair

    3. Events Coordinator

    4. Advisor



Section 1. President

  1. Should be or have been previously on the Executive board before holding this position.

  2. Shall serve as the Chairperson of the Executive Board.

  3. Must convene and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and General Board meetings.

  4. Shall oversee the actions of the entire Executive Board.

  5. Administer and budget the funds of the organization.

  6. Approve all financial activities that require withdrawal in the treasury.

  7. Delegate appropriate responsibilities to officers who will be able to execute those duties to the best of their abilities.

  8. Must be enrolled as a University of Minnesota student prior to start date of Presidency.


Section 2. Vice Presidents

  1. Assist the President in appropriate matters and shall be responsible for all administrative tasks.

  2. Shall delegate between the two of them, any or all powers, duties, and responsibilities of the President, in the case of the President’s absence, or at the President’s request.

  3. Must be enrolled as a University of Minnesota student prior to start date of their position.

    1. Internal Vice President

  1. Shall be responsible for all internal affairs of the organization, therefore, he/she shall be aware of the duties of each member of the Board.

  2. Shall be responsible for organizing and running the election.

  3. In charge of board bonding throughout the year.

    1. External Vice President

  1. Shall be responsible for outreach efforts in the community at large.

  2. Shall serve as a secondary Public Relations Spokesperson for CSAM.

  3. Shall be responsible for attending Affiliate meetings.

  4. Ensure CSAM participation in the community.


Section 3. Secretary

  1. Be responsible for making room reservations for all general meetings and Executive Board meetings, and must notify members of the location and time.

  2. Take accurate minutes at all Executive and General Board meetings.

  3. Keep a record of attendance at all meetings and required events.

  4. Carry out correspondence as directed by the President.

  5. Read the minutes of the previous meeting at the outset of each meeting as a reminder of what may still need to be discussed and worked on.

  6. Create and send out monthly newsletters on the beginning of each month.

  7. Must be enrolled as a University of Minnesota student prior to start date of their position.


Section 4. Treasurer

  1. Maintain a complete record of the organization revenues and expenses.

  2. Receive and disburse funds upon the authority of the Executive Board or the majority vote of the general membership.

  3. Provide a full and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements at every general meeting of CSAM and upon the request of the Executive Board.

  4. Maintain accurate records of the receipt and expenditure of funds.

  5. Shall be co-signer on bank account.

  6. Responsible for maintaining and budgeting funds throughout the year, which is presented to the Board and then voted upon.

  7. Must be enrolled as a University of Minnesota student prior to start date of their position.


Section 5. Multimedia Chair

  1. Maintain and update all photo albums and pictures for the organization.

  2. Maintain an organized ledger of all CSAM property entrusted to his/her care, as well as a running record and account of where and what the organization does. He/She must be prepared to present this at all meetings and upon the order of the Executive Board.

  3. Create flyers for all CSAM events and activities.

  4. Handles social media accounts including, but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, Gopher Link and the CSAM website.

  5. Upload and publish all CSAM activities within an appropriate timeframe.


Section 6. Marketing Chair

  1. Contact outside organization for possible sponsorships.

  2. Maintain an active status of advertising in person and to other organizations.

  3. Responsible for obtaining donations for all CSAM events.


Section 7. Events Coordinator

  1. Plan all official CSAM events and activities for the academic year.

  2. Execute and act as the main coordinator for events.

  3. Contact and communicate with all appropriate networks for CSAM events to ensure tasks are followed through.

  4. Distribute tasks to all board members during all CSAM events.



Section 1. Elections/Voting Procedures

  1. Elections for officers of CSAM will take place during the last two weeks of the academic year.

  2. If officer position(s) are not filled by the end of the current academic year, elections will continue until 80%  of the board is occupied.

  3. The current Internal Vice President will be in charge of the election process until the election period is over.

  4. The Internal Vice President will set the election date(s), and the Secretary will notify all members at least two weeks in advance.

  5. Time allocations for running candidates below follows:

    1. Each candidate shall be allotted three minutes to speak, and three minutes for questioning, and five minutes for deliberation.

    2. Running candidates for the position of President will have ten minutes to speak, and 3 minutes for questioning, and 5 minutes for deliberation.

  6. Once all candidates have presented, and questioning has occurred, voting will take place.

  7. All members and general members present may vote.

  8. All current board members will have 1 full vote, and general members will have 1 collective vote.

  9. Officers will be elected by a â…” vote.



Section 1. Terms

  1. The year shall be a full academic year, from September to May.  During summer months, the terms shall carry over. For instance, once people are elected in spring those officers are responsible for duties in the summer, as well as the fall.

  2. The term of office for the entire board shall be one year including summer.


Section 1. Procedures

  1. The Cambodian Student Association of Minnesota shall meet on a weekly basis.  

  2. The time, day, and place of meeting shall be set at the beginning of each semester, to best accommodate the schedules of the board.

  3. The President shall conduct all meetings.  

  4. The Secretary shall take attendance, review past minutes, and record minutes for each meeting.



Section 1. Reimbursement

  1. All board members shall be reimbursed for purchases that pertain to the organization with the approval of the Executive Board.

  2. Payment of certain events will also be reimbursed with the approval of the Executive Board and/or the Events Coordinator.


Section 2. Organization Accounts and Distribution

  1. The Student Union & Activities (SUA) will handle transactions on campus grounds and the organization of monies.

  2. No part of the net earnings of the Association shall be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons for personal benefit outside of CSAM. The organization shall be authorized to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.  




Section 1. Resignations

  1. An officer may resign if he/she feels that she is incapable of performing the duties specified for that position and as an officer in general.  An officer may also resign if uncontrollable external factors require resignation (i.e. death in family, hospitalization, etc.)

  2. The following policies must be followed:

    1. Advance notice of 2 weeks must be given to the respective governing board.  If the office of resignation is that of the President, three weeks prior notice is required.

    2. A written resignation must be submitted, including reasons for resignation, and alternative measures (if any).

    3. If possible, the resigning officer will brief the new officer, once chosen, of projects that have already been initiated by that office.

  3. If the president shall resign, the Internal and External Vice Presidents will become co-Presidents for the remainder of the term.

  4. In the event of the President and one or both of the Vice Presidents resigning simultaneously, an election will be held for those positions within two or three weeks.  If a current member of the Executive Board or Chair decides to run for President, he/she must vacate the office occupied, and elections for that office will be held as well.


Section 2. Impeachment

  1. Impeachment applies to anyone of the Executive Board.  

  2. If an Executive Board officer feels that another officer is not performing the duties of his/her position, or if that officer is exhibiting sub-standard behavior, then a grievance may be made against that officer, requesting an Impeachment Hearing.

  3. The following steps must be taken in order to impeach an officer:

    1. A written grievance against that officer must be submitted to the Executive Board.  

    2. The written grievance must include the grounds for impeachment and a list and description of all specific incidents relating to the matter of impeachment.

  4. The Executive Board, with the exception of the officer in question, shall decide whether the grievance is valid or not by majority vote of a fully present Executive Board.

    1. If the Executive Board deems the grievance valid, then a hearing shall be scheduled for the matter.  

    2. If the grievance is deemed invalid, then an explanation shall be given to the accuser.  The hearing will take place at the next Executive Board meeting.

    3. The accuser and officer in question must be present at the hearing.  

    4. Both sides shall be heard, with the accuser presenting first.  After both have presented their positions, they will take questions from the Executive Board.  

    5. At the conclusion, the Executive Board will vote on the matter by secret ballot.  A 4/5 majority vote against the officer will result in an impeachment. Impeachment of the President requires unanimous vote against her.  

    6. The accuser and officer in question may not vote.

  5. The Executive Board shall appoint a replacement for the office in question should an impeachment occur.  This will occur after adequate screening of the applicants.

  6. One of the Vice Presidents shall assume the role of the President should the President be impeached.




Section 1. Procedure

  1. In order to qualify for advisorship the individual must be an Academic/Administrative or Managerial Professional faculty staff of the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.

  2. The individual may also be considered if they have previously been a board member in CSAM.

  3. The advisor will be selected by a two-thirds vote from the CSAM board members.


Section 2. Advisor

  1. Term length for Advisor is one year.

  2. Advisor is to be voted on during yearly elections by a majority vote of the new board

  3. The advisor must have been on board previously and a graduate from the university.

  4. In any circumstance there is no active candidate for the position, the newly elected President will turn in a nomination of their choosing.

    1. The entire board will then vote to approve/deny the candidate.

    2. The vote must be 51% in favor to reach for approval.



Section 1. Procedure for Amendments

  1. Any board member may initiate amendments to this constitution by writing and submitting it to the President. The President will present the pending amendment at the next weekly meeting.



Section 1. Procedure for Dissolution

  1. In the event that the Cambodian Student Association of Minnesota is to dissolve before or during the academic year, the remaining funds will be redistributed as follows: All funds that is allocated by Student Services Fee will be allocated back to Student Services Fee. All funds allocated outside Student Services Fee will be dispersed to the Asian-American Student Union.

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